The new radio

Rose has been avidly listening to the cricket. Well, à chacun son gout, that’s what I say. However, during much of the day, it’s only broadcast on BBC Radio 4 LW (Long Wave), not on FM.

Now, the last time I used Long Wave, we specified things by wavelength and hence everything was in metres, whereas now everything is in kHz, so it took me a while to realise that we no longer have a radio in the house, at least not a portable one, capable of receiving LW.

Ironically, the only way we could allow Rose to listen to the cricket while working in the garden was to put a laptop out there and connect to the BBC web site using our own wireless network. (Which can be found on your dial at about the 12cm mark, by the way.)

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Dear Sir. I would like to say thank you. I found out this evening that you were the man who is responsible for writing the code for webcams. I currently own and adult website that uses such technology. I understand this was not your motivation for creating such a program. But still would like to say thank you. As with out you doing so, I’m sure it would have taken longer for someone to even decide to do such a thing. I current have 12 friends in Iraq whom I personally talk with on a weekly basis with yahoo cam. It enables me to see they are alive and doing well. I also met my wife on the net and because she is not from this country, phone conversations were to costly but the internet and webcam software allow us to converse daily. I just wanted to say thank you again and you must feel some sense of pride in seeing what it has spawned and rightfully so. You may or may not feel as though is was a great feat, but I feel this technology will only provide bigger and better things in the lines of communication for the entire world, thus one day placing you in the history books along side such greats as Edison. Good luck to you and your family. Ray..

I finished rigging up a radio for long and medium wave listening at the weekend – it’s the guts of an old tranny in a new, hastily carved “fakelite” case (made by me) with a nice 4 inch speaker for mellow tones. You can see some pics here if you’re interested – The switch on the front is for easy on/off operation as it’s almost always tuned to Virgin Radio on MW.

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