Are you a slide rule enthusiast?

My friend Andrew asked today if I knew anywhere in Cambridge where he could buy a slide rule. I couldn’t help him (though I do own a rather nice one).

But I did stumble across the website of the UK Slide Rule Circle, an ‘informal group of slide rule enthusiasts’.

If you consider yourself a slide rule enthusiast – and who, in their innermost thoughts, does not? – then this might be just what you’re looking for…

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Ron Manley who runs this site: lives in Cambridge, he may be able to provide further help.

This summer I was able to visit Stanford’s exhibit on the slide rule –

If you aren’t a slide rule enthusiast, one visit should cure it.

If any one need a slide rule, look at sites like eBay: every day a lot of them are traded.
If manuals or instructions, search the web, there are lot of free downloadable manuals
Search for VIRTUAL SLIDE RULES, its funny, you can download working slide rules you can use on screen
If all these things fails, try to e-mail me, I am NOT an expert, but an enthusiast and
collector who have used a slide rule at college and at the beginning at university (those were the days, my friend…)

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