Friends in low places

Any idea what this is?

It’s a punt pole, with my camera attached to the end using a Gorillapod. Look, here’s a close-up:

And why, you might ask, would you want to do this?

Well, when my pal Bill Thompson organised this year’s geek punting picnic, PuntCon, I felt I needed to find a suitably geeky way to take a photo of the gathering. So I put my camera on a timer and raised the pole. It’s a bit tricky to aim, but here is at least a part of the group:

Many thanks to Bill (and everyone else) for a most enjoyable afternoon.

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1 Comment

[…] I had played with this new art of punt-pole photography some time ago, as a way of getting shots that would otherwise be tricky. (Remember, this was back in the days […]

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