The Ring cycle?

I have a Ring video doorbell. When there’s movement in front of my door, or when someone rings the bell, it captures a brief video clip and saves it to the cloud.

It occurs to me that:

  • Amazon owns Ring.
  • Amazon delivers to my door.
  • Amazon could register that they had successfully delivered to my door by holding the delivery (or its barcode) up to the doorbell’s camera.
  • Perhaps I should patent the idea?

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Better still, it could record the occasions when the Amazon delivery driver just pushes a “Sorry you weren’t in” card through the letterbox and runs away…

I actually sent video evidence yesterday to Yodel of one of their couriers doing just that! (Well, he did knock gently…)

…and eventually the doorbell will monitor when you leave the house, or the amazon app will geofence the occupants mobiles to determine if anyone is in, and Amazon will not attempt to deliver when you’re out.

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