On the slopes of Mount Doom

2007 05 13 21 22 51 bw

We’ve just been re-watching Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings trilogy, and it was just as splendid as ever.

It reminded me of my second visit to New Zealand, in 2007, and the day I spent walking the Tongariro Crossing; a dramatic volcanic landscape where many of the scenes in The Return of the King were filmed.

2007 05 13 21 28 30A

It’s fun showing it in gritty monochrome, but in fact some of its drama comes from the occasional bright colours amidst a landscape of Martian barreness.

2007 05 14 00 04 34

2007 05 13 23 56 44

There are vast structures through which you can imagine rivers of heat must have poured.

2007 05 13 23 46 22

And some of the rocks look almost like man-made art installations.

2007 05 14 00 08 55

This other-worldly landscape emerges from placid surrounding plains, so you can look out and see what life is like back on Earth.

2007 05 13 22 50 03

It’s a fascinating place, and makes for a most unusual one-day hike.  Recommended, if you get the chance to visit.


On our mantlepiece, we have a small golf-ball-sized piece of volcanic lava that I brought home to Rose after my trip.  “Here you are, darling; I’ve brought you a bit of Mount Doom!”  

I always had a talent for romantic gestures.

2007 05 13 23 43 23

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You should have said, “Here you are, my precious; I’ve brought you a bit of Mount Doom!” 😊

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