Mac mini VGA output

Mmm. It’s too bad. I bought a Mac Mini today for Rose, which is in all respects lovely, except that the text just isn’t quite crisp enough on my VGA monitor. There’s something about the analog output of the Mini, via the DVI-VGA converter, which is not quite right. And I don’t think it’s the converter.

I’m far from being the only one with this problem; see this substantial discussion in the Apple forum, for example.

It seems pretty likely to be fixable in firmware, once Apple really acknowledge the problem. Until then I have to decide whether to return it or to get a DVI monitor…

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>> I bought a Mac Mini today for Rose, which is in all respects lovely,

Shouldn’t that be “I bought a Max Mini today for Rose, who is in all respects lovely ?”

Come on, Q, we know you bought the thing for yourself. You don’t need to use Rose as an excuse…

Hope all is well.

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