Business Travel

I’m in Johannesburg, setting up a couple of Ndiyo trial sites. It’s great to be back in Africa, though this is unlike any part I’ve visited before. A land of amazing contrasts. I was watching the rush hour traffic; the Mercedes S-class convertible with one guy on a cellphone reminded me of L.A, and, just behind it, the little elderly minibus packed to overflowing was much more reminiscent of Kenya.

My first few days here have been somewhat strange too… I’ve been working all day in the gleaming air-conditioned MTN headquarters and returning at night to a budget backpackers’ hostel. I have the tail-end of a nasty ‘flu and so spend my evenings drinking Benolyn and my nights hoping that my cough isn’t waking everyone in the hostel.

Today, however, things took a definite turn for the better. Deciding that the hostel might be good for my soul, but had little else to commend it, I have now moved to the thoroughly delightful but still very affordable Guest House Oaktree. That’s my room on the right:.

Guest House Oaktree

It even has a nice ethernet connection. All of a sudden, this month of business travel seems much less of a burden…

Guest House Oaktree Pool

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