“Brevity”, said Polonius, “is the soul of wit”, and I fear this needs more emphasis in our schools, particularly amongst those destined, in later life, to compose marketing materials.
A screen in a hospital waiting room shows a succession of slides about the services on offer; one begins:
BreastHealth UK
The concept of BreastHealth UK is to help women organise and manage their breast health.
A certain superfluity, perchance?
Besides, it seems unlikely to me that any of the fairer sex start their Monday mornings thinking, “This week I intend to organise and manage my breast health”.
Here, here. In the Cambridge Computer Lab Ring we are currently doing the scoring for the annual Hall of Fame awards. This year we have introduced a score for clarity of language, ranging from 5 (unambiguous, concise, appropriate for its audience) to 0 (lengthy, meaningless drivel).