
If you find yourself in an airport departure lounge and want to confirm that you’re in the right place for your intended destination, sometimes you can just check out the other passengers.


Good. Yup. San Francisco.

Anyone tried those shoes, by the way? I see more and more people wearing them, at least on the other side of the Atlantic. But even I, notoriously oblivious to my appearance, would have to be convinced they were very comfortable before turning myself into a kind of high-tech hobbit…

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I own some ‘crocs’. They are extremely comfortable – they’re made of rubber and weigh virtually nothing so they are very easy to wear in almost any situation. They are quite an odd looking shoe but I must say I wear mine al the time, even in the English winter!!

Extremely comfortable (except sometimes I get small blisters on the upper part of the foot when walking longish distances with no socks.
Perfect for taking on long walks . As they are light not affected by water, so they can be stowed on the outside of your bag (and slipped on if fording streams etc). Then in the evening you can use them in the hostel etc.
I took a pair when I did the Alpine GR5 last year.

BTW the authorisation code was unreadable the first time and didn’t change when I incorrectly typed it 🙁

Thanks guys,

and sorry about the ‘captcha’ stuff, Geoff, but you should see the amount of spam I have to delete without it 🙁

I’ll try and update/improve it soon, though.

Or perhaps I should implement some OpenID authentication as an alternative…


Quentin – I’m surprised about the spam – I have set up and administer 6 WP blogs all with akismet intstalled. Never seen any spam at all 🙂 The most popular blog Iis at says that Akismet stopped 2124 comments in about 6 months.

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