Cambridge Bar Camp

Fun today at BarCamb. For those not familiar with the Bar Camp model, it has nothing to do with mixing drinks. Usually. It’s basically a conference where you turn up prepared to give a talk but where the agenda is unknown until you arrive. The first activity of the day is that everybody who wants to then signs up for what they’re going to talk about.


It was a one-day event on a much smaller scale than Tim O’Reilly’s Foo Camp, which I was lucky enough to go to a couple of years back. But it was good fun and I’m looking forward to the next one.

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An excellent day indeed, many thanks for the lift and it was good to see your products in action for the first time.

The page to which you link at does not *yet* exist. Gotta love that wiki thing…maybe somebody who was actually there can write it once they’ve finished re-jigging all their work after being so comprehensively critiqued? 😉

Or maybe the author of the post can fix his mistake so that the link now works!

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