Mail, man!

Those of you who are kind enough to read my random musings on a regular basis often do so via the RSS feed or Twitter, and many others got their updates via Facebook until I started my period of abstinence.

But this is just a reminder that you can also get Status-Q in your inbox, and what could be more exciting than that?!

I used to do this via a rather cobbled-together system based on IFTTT, but there's now a button on the right hand side of the Status-Q pages (which links to here), where you can sign up to a much more sophisticated system based on MailChimp.

Thanks to those of you who have already tried it out! Hope it's useful, or at least occasionally helps you start your day with a wry smile…

Enjoyed this post? Why not sign up to receive Status-Q in your inbox?


Unable to subscribe, repeatedly getting “Too many subscribe attempts for this email address. Please try again in about 5 minutes. (#8858)” even after several hours.

Hi Rick – I’m sorry you’re having problems.

Others have been successfully subscribing, so I think the system’s basically working.

I’ll try adding you by hand.

All the best,

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