Category Archives: Internet


Protopage is really very impressive. With this, and Writely, and GMail, and Google Maps and so forth, the in-browser experience is becoming amazingly rich. There will be a viable Open Source desktop environment after all. And it will be called Firefox.

Interesting question… At present, more than half of the machines sold are laptops, because people are getting more and more mobile and they really want their data with them everywhere. Will we ever see a reversal of this trend, as less and less of our data is stored on our own machines and it becomes accessible from anywhere? Will we see a ‘desktop PC’ renaissance?


OK, so this is a quick test using Xinha Here, a rather neat Firefox add-on which gives you WYSIWYG html editing in any text-edit box.  Quite sweet if you end up creating HTML posts, for example for your blog, and you do it through the browser.  I like it. 

I’m using Firefox more and more now, but it still hasn’t quite replaced Safari as my main browser on the Mac.  There are just too many convenient drag-and-droppy-type things you can do with Safari.  It may only be a matter of time, though. Here are the current stats:

The Zen of CSS Design.

I’ve just been reading a thoroughly enjoyable book on web site design. It comes from the creator of the CSS Zen Garden, a wonderful site which I first mentioned here nearly three years ago.

The idea of the Garden was to promote standards-based web design and, in particular, to show people what could be done with CSS in an age when most people were using tables for all their layout and embedding <font> tags in their HTML. And so the site became a showcase for a single web page – a single page of HTML, that is – but rendered in hundreds of different ways simply by changing the CSS and the associated graphics. The HTML remains unchanged. Have a quick look at
this, and
this, for example. The designs are generally carefully tailored to this particular page, and wouldn’t always work for a whole site, but it’s still a great resource and inspiration for any web designer.

And now David Shea, who created the site, and Molly E. Holzschlag have written The Zen of CSS Design, which looks at 36 of the designs and talks through, in very readable language, what we can learn about design, and what we can learn about CSS, from each of them. This is not a book for CSS beginners, but if you know the basics it comes very highly recommended.

I now want to go and redesign all my web sites. Oh, for some time….

The terrorists aren’t stupid…

Let’s hope the government isn’t either.
Bill Thompson’s blog entry on the newly-launched ‘Creative and Media Business Alliance’.

Amusing domain names

A nice post about ambiguous domain names.


It only took me about 4 years to discover this, but ColorMatch is a very handy utility if you’re designing a website. Or redecorating. Thanks to Steven T for the link.

There are some other interesting ones out there, like ColorCombos, which can grab the colors from a web site and then let you play with them.

WSIS, then?

John’s Observer column about the silly ICANN arguments and the Negroponte laptop, “which looked vaguely like an accessory from a Shrek movie”.

And Bill Thompson’s blog entry from Tunis:

Hosting WSIS has not made Tunisia more free or more open. In fact, the endorsement we have provided by being here may even help sustain the government of President Zine el Abidine Ben Ali.

But in the long term, if every time we talk about Tunisia we remind people that it hosted a summit dedicated to free expression, and point out its failure to live up to its international obligation, then it may help those who want to reform Tunisian politics.

Amazon’s Mechanical Turk

This is extreme outsourcing: Artificial Artificial Intelligence from Amazon. In some ways this is rather wonderful – the acknowledgement that there are some things that humans will be able to do better than computers for the foreseeable future, combined with an easy way for people to get paid for doing them.

On the other hand, there’s something spooky about computer programs being able to invoke actions by humans and return a result when the human has completed the task…

REST in piece

Regular readers now know all about AJAX, Django and Rails, so it’s time to mention another piece of Internet jargon that’s doing the rounds at the moment, and that’s REST, which is short for REpresentational State Transfer. It’s a model of how the web works, how it was designed, and why we should try, where possible, to build web-based services in a manner that conforms to that basic design instead of going against its grain.

It originated in Roy Fielding’s PhD thesis, but unless you’re very keen, that’s not the easiest way to learn about it.

The best starting point might be Ryan Tomayko’s piece “How I explained REST to my wife“. If you want a little more technical detail after that, you might try this article and, of course, the entry in the ever-wonderful Wikipedia .

Spanish Laptops

Here’s a bit of nostalgia. Anyone remember Digital? How about the AltaVista search engine?

I was browsing through some of my old mail and came across a message from the dim recesses of January 1998. I had just tried the AltaVista translation service to convert a
Spanish review of a Digital laptop into English. It did some wonderful things like occasionally translating ‘desktop’ as ‘tablecloth’ and I thought the results were
quite charming. Here are the first few paragraphs:

Portable, Compact and Powerful. Digitalis HiNote Vp 575

“An equipment of high benefits that competes seriously
with those of tablecloth – by Abel Manto’n”

To the good thing one is accustomed immediately. Portable 575 HiNote VP
stand for casks is so powerful, that one week whole without igniting the
desktop computer can be happened nor remembering for anything him.

One is a cacharrito of 3.4 kilos of weight, with 2.16 gigas of hard disk and
one piece that combines in the same space the disquetera and the reader of

From the last name comes to him there bent to this machine of 765,000
pesetas in its standard configuration. The computer that we have proven bond
something more, because it included an extension of memory, happening of the
16 megas of the basic equipment to 32.

The memory difference, as already it has been written so many times, is
fundamental to shoot the yield. Unfortunately, the extensions of memory
accustom to being specific for each model and the prices notice it.

An equipment to taste.

Paltar to choose a portable one well is necessary to have precaution in
verifying how the tastes of user to three basic parameters adapt: the
keyboard, the screen and the mouse, that with the programs that run is

On the keyboard it is necessary to say that a little out of place have some
keys, mainly the one to suppress, the one of beginning and the one of aim.
Model proven had keyboard English, which always incomoda a little, but more
annoying is to have to look for key to erase, which it is where it is
without leaf return, and is an infrequent place. By the others, it is
written wonderfully.

The screen is irreprochable. 12.1 inches, active matrix and a fantastic
angle of view. Sure the graphical card, that has much to do, is a PCI of 128
bits (pure lujazo), of most efficient. It allows a resolution of until
1024×768 points, although doing a trick of panning. That is to say, it
creates a virtual screen that ‘ sale’ of the visible screen and moves on
this one when the leader of the mouse takes towards the ends. Recommendable
and the appropriate thing is to use the resolution of 800×600, with HD
color, that produces the best visual results, without trap nor cardboard.

Cambridge Blogs

My friend Geoff Jones has created a website of bloggers based in Cambridge, England at If you’re in our part of the world, go and find your friends and add yourself…

I’m not actually in our part of the world at present, having driven from Vancouver down to Seattle yesterday afternoon. The trees in B.C. are just starting to turn red and the colours will be just phenomenal in a couple of weeks’ time. A very nice part of the world.

Django and Rails

No conference which discusses the Web can consider itself cutting-edge these days unless at least a couple of the speakers make reference to Ruby on Rails. For those who haven’t come across it, Ruby is a very dynamic programming language which has been around for a long time, but because it originated in Japan, it’s taken a while to gain popularity in non-Japanese-speaking parts of the world. Rails is a framework which takes advantage of the dynamic nature of the language to map SQL databases neatly onto Ruby objects. It has scripts which create a lot of standard stub code for you, and so in general it makes it very easy to create web applications based around a SQL database back-end, which an awful lot of web apps are, nowadays.

I wrote briefly about Ruby on Rails three months ago, and since then I’ve been sipping at the kool-aid – watched the intro videos, bought a Ruby book, and played a bit with the software – but I never quite got a taste for it. Ruby is so named because it was meant to be a better PERL, and it certainly is that, but I think there’s a few too many Perl-isms still lingering in the background. Ruby enthusiasts claim that it’s a ‘pure’ object-oriented language, more like Smalltalk than most of its competitors, because everything is an object, so you can do things like calling a method on an integer:

5.upto(10) { |i| print i }

but somehow this just doesn’t feel very natural to me. You can do some lovely things in Ruby, but I don’t think a language can lay much claim to purity when it still has things like the global $_ variable from PERL.

And so I’ve been very pleased to discover Django, which is a very similar framework that slightly pre-dates Ruby on Rails, and which is based on Python rather than Ruby. Python has been one of my favourite languages for a long time – I first used it in 1991 – and to my mind it’s rather nicer than Ruby for most things. It’s much more widely known, and all the benchmarks I’ve seen also show Python as rather faster than Ruby, and Django as higher-performance than Rails.

Django works the opposite way to Rails; you create particular kinds of objects in Python and run a script which produces the SQL tables which store them for you. In practice this doesn’t make a huge difference. The Rails approach can be more flexible, but with Django’s you get all your canonical source code in the same language. They both have their merits. But the default framework that Django produces is much more useful than anything you get for free with Rails; it provides quite a nice ‘admin’ interface which you can start using immediately for entering data without grimacing too much about the user interface.

My wife Rose needed to store some data in several related tables and access them from home and from the University. In one day I was able to take her data, which was mostly in tables in Word documents and get it via Excel, text files, and some Python scripts into a MySQL database. Django provided the web front end and by the end of the day she was entering her data via her browser into a set of inter-related tables with various conditions attached. I was working in the next room and from time to time I’d come in and say – “Look – there’s a search box now!”.

Remember that this was my first attempt at using the platform. Now, of course, I’ll be tinkering with it for ages, but the ability to get something up and running and useful so quickly is a great tribute to Django’s design. I also have a feeling, though I haven’t tested this yet, that much of Django might be more useful than Rails for any web apps which are not based on a SQL database.

Anyway – highly recommended.

© Copyright Quentin Stafford-Fraser