Daily Archives:October 12th, 2003

Another nice trick in Apple Mail

Apple’s Mail.app has some problems, but in general I like it very much. A handy feature I’ve just discovered is that you can select more than one mailbox at once, and the message list shows the union of the messages in all selected mailboxes. Handy, for example, if you want to track a conversation and see messages in chronological order from both your incoming and outgoing mail.

I also like the ‘Highlight thread of selected message’ option, which keeps the messages in their natural order but highlights those with the same subject as the one you’re currently viewing. This is much more natural for me than a fully-threaded list, though that option will also be available in the next version of OS X.

The Voq

[Original Link]

This looks like quite clever hardware, but there’s no way I’d buy a Microsoft-based phone after my own experiences with the iPaq and, more importantly, seeing a friend’s constant frustration with his SPV – a phone which would regularly do such things as ring and then deny you the ability to answer the incoming call, and which would need regular rebooting.

I mean, come on – pick one big software company in the world that you would least like to trust your personal communications to..

Shifting to the ridiculous

Here’s a fact that’s reasonably well-known among anybody who’s been tinkering with Windows for a few years: If you don’t want your machine to run the software on a CD automatically when you insert it into your machine, hold down ‘shift’.

In what must be one of the silliest of the recent “Let’s sue a student” cases, SunComm are planning to sue John Halderman for pointing this out. Why? Because the ‘autorun’ feature was used by their CD copy-protection software, and by pressing shift you can bypass it.

The company claims to have lost $10 million of its value as a result of Halderman pointing this out. Which makes me wonder what they think such blatantly useless technology is actually worth? It doesn’t need a PhD student to deduce how to break this – it’s the first thing most 12-year-olds would look at as well.

© Copyright Quentin Stafford-Fraser