Category Archives: Photos

Beauty and the beasts

We’re in Montana, and it’s beautiful.


No, I mean really beautiful.

Shadow Lake, Glacier National Park, Montana

We made some friends amongst the natives.






The humans are friendly too. All in all, a lovely spot.


More pictures are sure to follow soon…

Born and raised in south Detroit

A couple more pictures from the industrial periphery of Motown.


Just a city boy, born and raised in south Detroit


He took the midnight train goin’ anywhere…


By the time you read this, in contrast, we’ll have taken the dawn train going to Montana, from where I’ll probably post some rather different photos!

White Balance

I was quite pleased with this shot, taken by the Marathon Petroleum plant in Dearborn, Michigan last night.


(You can click it for a larger version, which looks much better)

This was handheld – I wish I’d had a tripod, but at this point the security guards pulled up and asked us to move on…

Part of what makes it ‘pretty’ is the use of two different types of lighting – given the industrial location, I imagine the golden light is sodium and the silver is halogen – and the camera’s auto white-balance did a good job of reproducing what I saw.

But when I got home and loaded it into Lightroom, I thought it would be fun to try calibrating the white balance based on a chimney lit by the sodium light. (I could have achieved a similar effect by selecting tungsten white balance in the camera.) The result was also pretty. Can’t quite decide which I prefer…


Inquisitive companions

Tilly and I had a lovely early walk at Wimpole Hall today. But we weren’t alone…

Calves at WImpole Hall

As the poet said,

Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive
But to be young, with four legs and a waggy tail, was very heaven.

Morning, Constable

It was a moist early morning… but the light felt almost like a Constable painting.


Tilly enjoyed it, and showed some reluctance to get into the hay wain and head home…

A Good Name

I like this one – somehow I feel there ought to be an interesting story behind this street in Orwell…

Hurdleditch Road

Quentin’s Law of Photography

The second-best camera is the one you have with you.
The best is the one you have in your hand.

High upreared and abutting fronts

Materials Science, Cambridge

The new Materials Science and Metallurgy building, Cambridge.

Sarah & Hubertus

About three weeks ago, my very good friends Sarah and Hubertus got married in Queens’ College here in Cambridge. They were good enough, and foolhardy enough, to ask me to take the photos.


It was a wonderful occasion – great people, lovely weather, delicious food, and a really excellent ceilidh band in the evening.


Being ‘the photographer’ was a great learning experience for me, and gave me a huge respect for the professionals who do this on a regular basis.

In particular, at this (otherwise wonderful) venue, every single room had challenges from a lighting point of view. One was very dark, one had a low white ceiling, and one was lined with glass-fronted bookcases, which made it a real challenge to position the flashguns! But things mostly worked out in the end.


Even the outdoor shots had to be carefully managed so people weren’t squinting into the bright sunshine, and despite visiting beforehand and working out where the sun would be at about the time the ceremony was finished, I didn’t quite get it right. The bride and groom may hope for glorious sunshine on their wedding day, but, trust me, the photographer doesn’t!

Still, everyone was very tolerant of the inexpert photographer, and, above all, we all came away with happy memories of a very cheery occasion.


More photos from the wedding can be found here.

Wind Power

Wind power by Quentin Stafford-Fraser on

Bike Park

Bike park by Quentin Stafford-Fraser on

One of the duties of parenthood.

Circles of logic

I cycle past this sign regularly:

I think this indicates that all of Cambridge is now part of the Cavendish Lab. I know they’ve been expanding a lot recently, but I didn’t realise they’d got that far.

On the other hand, I may be confused. It’s difficult to keep a clear head when you’re cycling backwards like that.

© Copyright Quentin Stafford-Fraser