Category Archives: General

Light humour

One of my favourite podcasts at present is The Skeptics Guide to the Universe. Highly recommended, if you don’t know it. I liked this quote from a recent episode where they were discussing the Higgs particle:

“I read this great book about antigravity. I couldn’t put it down..”

How to fix the opening ceremony…

The Telegraph reckons that it has inside information on what’s going to be included in the top-secret opening ceremony of the Olympics.

A stage backdrop of hills, streams, meadows and a thatched cottage will evoke Britain’s rural past. The landscape will be dotted with live animals, including 12 horses, three cows, 70 sheep, three sheepdogs and a horse-drawn plough, along with milkmaids, picnicking families, an Edwardian village cricket team in flannels, caps and braces, and people dancing around maypoles.

At one end of the arena will be a recreation of Glastonbury Tor, with an oak tree on top and a festival “mosh pit” at its foot. At the other end will be a space for crowds recreating the Last Night of the Proms.

It gets better…

…a third “act” of the ceremony will look at the post-war transformation of Britain, with models of Big Ben and other London landmarks, and a parade of dancing nurses and ancillary staff pushing hospital beds to represent the NHS and the Welfare State.

Oh good. Can’t wait for the dancing nurses.

…alongside 12,000 dancers, drummers, skateboarders, acrobats, and actors dressed as British historical figures, such as Emmeline Pankhurst, the suffragette, and the Caribbean migrants who arrived on the Empire Windrush in 1948…

I hope Emmeline Pankhurst will actually be on a skateboard.

I was just thinking that this could be a national embarrassment for which even the BBC’s reporting of the Jubilee River Pageant was insufficient preparation, when I suddenly realised that they must have a secret plan, because there is one way in which this could all be saved, could be put in the right context, and could turn the whole thing into a most enjoyable evening’s entertainment:

Get Terry Wogan to do the commentary.

Protecting your IPv6 world

This is the third and (probably) final post in my series about enabling IPv6 on your home network. The first, Banish Mavis and Connect to the Future, explains the basics and why I think this stuff is really important. The second, Tunnelling your way to the future, tells you how, if you have a Linux box on your network, you can give full IPv6 connectivity to all your machines, even if your ISP doesn’t support it yet.

This is all great fun, but at the end of the last article I pointed out that there were also security considerations associated with making all of your machines accessible to the ravages of the outside world, and it was only something you should do if they had a modern operating system, up-to-date security patches, and were running a firewall. This may, understandably, make you feel a little nervous, so in this final section I’ll show you how to implement a simple firewall on the machine that’s acting as your IPv6 gateway, so you can choose what traffic you want to let in, from where, and to which machines.

This is still, by the way, very much better than the old NAT-based world of IPv4, because you are separating policy from capability: you can choose to allow SSH and HTTPS traffic to two different web servers inside your network, FTP access to one of them, and plain HTTP to a webcam, and give them all proper DNS addresses, while still blocking incoming connections to anything else.

As a simple example, I’m going to explain how to set up a firewall that allows incoming HTTP, HTTPS and SSH connections over IPv6 but blocks everything else, so you’re not at risk when, say, enabling file sharing between your home computers.

Turning the IPtables with Shorewall

If you set up your system as per my description in the previous article, your linux machine is connecting to an IPv6 tunnel provider, receiving the IPv6 packets for your network on a virtual interface we called he-ipv6 and routing them out to your network over the normal ethernet interface, eth0.

Now, the way in which the Linux kernel routes data between interfaces is controlled by an internal table of rules, which is used to examine each packet and work out whether and how to send it on its way. These tables can be manipulated from the command line through a utility called iptables, or ip6tables for the IPv6 variant, and you could use these to set up the rules you need to let some stuff in and keep other stuff out.

It’s all very powerful, but unless you are part-robot yourself, trying to do much of this will make your brain hurt. This is the assembly-language equivalent of network configuration; you can make it do anything, and a very large number of the options you could choose will be the wrong ones. Eventually, you will get everything nicely set up, and all will be well until 18 months down the line when you have to change something and you have to remember what all those arcane lines of configuration were about.

So we’re going to use a system called Shorewall, which has a nicer way to describe what you want in a few simple configuration files, and then arranges all that iptables stuff for you behind the scenes.

Installing and configuring Shorewall6

We want the IPv6 version of Shorewall, so, assuming you’re on a Debian/Ubuntu-type system, you can install it with:

 sudo apt-get install shorewall6

This will install both shorewall (the IPv4 version) and shorewall6, and will create configuration directories /etc/shorewall and /etc/shorewall6.

It will also put files to control the basic startup of each in /etc/defaults/shorewall and /etc/defaults/shorewall6. For our purposes, we can ignore the IPv4 version. There’s a line in each of these files that looks like:


The firewall will not start up unless you change the 0 to 1, so do this in /etc/defaults/shorewall6 and leave the other one alone. The only other change you need to make to the defaults is to look for a line in /etc/shorewall6/shorewall6.conf that says:


and change it to


otherwise the machine will stop operating as a router.

OK. Now we’re going to create four configuration files. Four?, I hear you squeak. Yes, four, but trust me, they’re wonderfully brief and straightforward. We’re just going to create them from scratch because they’re so simple.

Here’s how it works:

  • We’re going to define three ‘zones’: net, which represents the outside world, fw, which represents the firewall itself, and lan, which represents your local network.
  • We’re going to say which network interfaces connect to each zone.
  • We’re going to define the basic high-level policy of how data can flow between zones.
  • Finally, we define some rules which specify in more detail the connections that are and aren’t allowed.

These are done in simple text files called:


See? At least the naming is nice and logical. There are man pages describing these in detail if you want to know more – just run man shorewall6-zones, man shorewall6-interfaces, etc. I’m certainly not an expert, having tried this for the first time today, but the following files work for me.


This is just a list of zone names and types:

fw     firewall
net  ipv6
lan  ipv6


Specify where these zones live:

lan     eth0       -        tcpflags
net     he-ipv6    -        tcpflags


By default, data from the firewall or LAN destined for the outside world is accepted. Data from the outside world is dropped. Everything else is rejected.


fw      net     ACCEPT
lan     net     ACCEPT
net     all     DROP
all     all     REJECT

At this point, you can start up the firewall to test it:

  /etc/init.d/shorewall6 start

And you should then find that you can make outgoing connections, for example to, but not incoming ones. If you don’t have easy access to an external IPv6-capable machine, try using a service like this one on to ping one of your internal IPv6 addresses. It should fail.


Finally, in this file, let’s define some rules to let in ping, http, https and ssh.

# These rules apply to all new connections

#ACTION     SOURCE      DEST      PROTO      DEST PORT    

# Allow ping6 from outside world to firewall or LAN
ACCEPT      net         fw        ipv6-icmp
ACCEPT      net         lan       ipv6-icmp    

# Allow http, https and ssh from outside world to firewall or LAN machines
ACCEPT      net         fw        tcp        80,443,22
ACCEPT      net         lan       tcp        80,443,22

That’s it! Restart your firewall:

/etc/init.d/shorewall6 restart

And you should now find you can ping, ssh or get web pages from machines inside your network, but all other incoming connections will be blocked. If you want to allow access to a particular machine instead of all of them, change the rule line to include both the zone and the IP address:

ACCEPT  net    lan:2001:470:1f39:1824:fa1e:dfef::d5dc   tcp    80,443,22

Well done! There’s an amazing amount more you can do with Shorewall – have a look at the man pages – but that at least should give you the basics and let you sleep at night!

Feedback and suggestions welcome, as always: I’m a novice at this too.

Tunnelling your way to the future

In this longish and somewhat technical post, I’m going to tell you how to connect your home or office network to the brave new world of IPv6. Why would you want to do this, beyond the sheer joy of an educational experience, and having something cool to drop into the conversation at your next job interview? Well, if you haven’t seen it already, my previous post, ‘Banish Mavis and Connect to the Future’ , explains why this is more important than simply ensuring there are enough IP addresses to go around. At the end of the article, I’ll talk about some of the security issues you should be aware of in this brave new world!

The first thing to do is check that you haven’t got IPv6 connectivity already. Go to – a very handy site – and see what it says. It’ll probably tell you you’re connecting by IPv4 because, at the time of writing, very few ISPs have switched on IPv6 for their customers. If all goes well, you’ll be able to try this URL soon and get a different result!

Seeing IPv6 in action on your local network

On the other hand, you probably do have IPv6 capabilities on your local network, because most modern operating systems come with it enabled by default [1]. To see this for yourself, on Macs or other Unix-type machines, open a terminal window and type:


This will tell you about all your network interfaces; you can narrow it down by typing the name of the interface; for example, ifconfig en0 on the Mac or ifconfig eth0 on Linux will tell you about the first ethernet interface. Use en1 on Macs for a Wi-fi interface. What you’ll get is something like this (I’ve left out some of the unimportant bits):

$ ifconfig en0
en0: flags=...
   ether 00:23:df:fd:9d:9b 
   inet6 fe80::223:dfff:fefd:9d9b%en0 ... 
   inet netmask 0xffffff00 ...
   status: active

You can see your IPv4 address, which probably begins with 192.168, and the unique ‘ether’ hardware (MAC) address of your network interface which is, at the very lowest level, how the network distinguishes one device from another. But there’s also an inet6 line showing an IPv6 address:


In general, every network interface will have one of these fe80 addresses. They’re created automatically from the MAC address: if you look at the example above you’ll be able to see that some of the digit sequences occur in both the MAC address and the IPv6 address.

Now, you might quite reasonably think you could ping yourself using the ‘ping6’ command:

ping6 fe80::223:dfff:fefd:9d9b

but this probably won’t work. Why not?

Well, because all network interfaces, wherever they are, use the same fe80:: prefix for these automatically-generated addresses, we can’t use the normal routing mechanisms to work out automatically how to contact them. That’s why you’ll sometimes see addresses listed, as above, with a percent sign in them – it’s called a zone index and is generally followed by the local network interface you can use to contact that address. Try:

ping6 fe80::223:dfff:fefd:9d9b%en0

and you should see things happening. (Type Ctrl-C to stop it). You can ping the same address from another machine on the network but remember that the zone index – the name of the interface you’re going to use – may be different[2].

This is one of the many small cool features of IPv6 – there is at least one valid address that will let you contact a device on your local network, even if the device has never had one allocated by hand or by a DHCP server. This will be really handy in future when you need to set up some gadget out of the box by pointing a browser at it.

So, you have IPv6 on your local network, at least. It’s a bit like having a small railway system on your own island. But, until your ISP builds some bridges, you can’t use it to travel to the mainland unless you dig a tunnel. That’s what we’re going to do, and it is actually quite common at the moment, so don’t worry that you’re doing anything too eccentric!

So here’s the plan

The following process sounds a little complicated, but in fact it’s very easy once you understand what’s going on. The description is long, but the actions are few!

For the specific instructions I’m giving here, you need a couple of things:

  • A Linux machine on your local network – it doesn’t have to be anything special. These instructions assume a recent Debian/Ubuntu-type system.
  • A reasonably static public IPv4 address on your home router. If you’re on a cable connection, you probably have this. If not, you can still try it out, but you may need to tweak things manually or using a script whenever your public IP address changes, a bit like DynDNS.

If you don’t have these, don’t worry; most of what you’ll learn here can be tweaked to work on different systems. The important thing is to understand what’s going on.

To get connected, you’re going to need to setup three things:

  • First, you need someone to allocate you a chunk of the IPv6 address space, so you can give addresses to your machines, and for that someone to tell the world that they can handle data for those addresses (which they’ll forward to you through a special tunnel). There are several organisations that will do this, but we’re going to use the excellent free Tunnelbroker service from those nice people at Hurricane Electric.
  • So how will IPv6 packets get to you from the outside world? Tunnelbroker will put them inside IPv4 packets, send them to you (hence the need for a fairly static IP address), and your Linux box will unpack them and send them out on your local network. This is actually more efficient than it sounds, and there are Tunnelbroker endpoints in several different parts of the world, so the tunnel can be a short one!
  • Finally, we need a way for machines on your network to know what their IPv6 address is, and how to send packets back through the tunnel to the outside world. We’ll do this by running a bit of software on your Linux machine called radvd – the Router Advertisement Daemon – which is roughly the equivalent of DHCP.

Here’s what we’re going to set up:

The best thing about all this is that it runs alongside your normal IPv4 system, which just keeps working as before, so it will only kick into action when you’re using IPv6, and won’t get in the way otherwise.

Creating a tunnel

Go to and register for an account, then click the ‘Create Regular Tunnel’ link. It’ll ask you for your IPv4 endpoint – this should normally be the public IP address of your router – that’s probably the IPv4 address you saw if you went to earlier. You’ll also need to give it a description, and pick a Tunnelbroker endpoint that’s close to you, for maximum efficiency.

Once you’ve created your tunnel, you can take a look at the details, which will be a page something like this:

Click for larger image

The important bits here relate to the diagram above – make sure you understand these next two paragraphs. Look at the section marked IPv6 Tunnel Endpoints, and the tunnel illustrated in the diagram above. The Server IPv4 Address is the address of the Tunnelbroker end of the tunnel and the Client IPv4 Address is the public address of your end of the tunnel, generally the address of your router. The server and client IPv6 addresses are the addresses of the IPv6 link within that tunnel, as indicated in the diagram by the red arrow within the blue tunnel.

The Routed IPv6 Prefixes section, on the other hand, shows the prefix for the addresses that will be used on your network; the addresses that Tunnelbroker is going to route to your machines. These are very similar to but not the same as the addresses within the tunnel. They even use bold to emphasise the difference but it’s easy to forget and use the wrong one. When we set up the tunnel we’ll be using the addresses with 1f38 in them, and when we use radvd to advertise the addresses to use on your network we’ll be configuring it with the 1f39 addresses. In all the following examples, of course, you’ll need to put in the addresses specific to your tunnel.

OK, given that information, let’s log in to the Linux machine and start by getting it to talk to tunnelbroker. Edit /etc/network/interfaces and add your equivalent of the following:

auto he-ipv6
iface he-ipv6 inet6 v4tunnel
    address 2001:470:1f38:1825::2
    netmask 64
    ttl 255
    gateway 2001:470:1f38:1825::1
    dns-nameservers 2001:470:20::2
    post-up ip -6 route add default dev he-ipv6
    pre-down ip -6 route del default dev he-ipv6

This sets up the tunnel and creates a local interface called he-ipv6 that represents this end of it. We won’t go through all of it, but the last couple of lines – post-up and pre-down – tell the system that the default route for contacting the IPv6 world should be through this tunnel interface (and not, for example, through the machine’s ethernet interface which soon have an IPv6 address of its own.

The ‘auto he-ipv6’ command means that the interface, and hence the tunnel, will be started automatically when the machine boots up. For now, though, you can start everything manually with:

sudo ifup he-ipv6

and if all goes well, you can then take a look at it:

$ ifconfig he-ipv6
he-ipv6   Link encap:IPv6-in-IPv4  
      inet6 addr: fe80::c0a8:1e/128 Scope:Link
      inet6 addr: 2001:470:1f38:1825::2/64 Scope:Global
      RX packets:52042 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
      TX packets:35526 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
      collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 
      RX bytes:53875839 (51.3 MiB)  TX bytes:5181848 (4.9 MiB)

This shows you your end of the tunnel, the IPv6 address ending ::2, and you can ping6 the other end, the address ending ::1.

$ ping6 2001:470:1f38:1825::1
PING 2001:470:1f38:1825::1(2001:470:1f38:18245::1) 56 data bytes
64 bytes from 2001:470:1f38:1825::1: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=18.2 ms
64 bytes from 2001:470:1f38:1825::1: icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=17.0 ms

You can try connecting to other places too, for example:

$ ping6

If you have login access to another IPv6-capable machine – I used the server on which this blog is hosted – you can try pinging your Linux box from there. Remember, your Linux machine is at the local tunnel address, ending :2…

$ ping6 2001:470:1f38:1825::2

Hurrah! Your Linux machine, at least, now has a public IP address.

Incidentally, some utilities, like ping, have their own IPv6 versions – like ping6. Others, like ssh, will just use IPv6 automatically if given a v6 address. And some, like netstat, ip and route, will do IPv6 things if you specify an option, usually –6. So, for example, you can see your IPv6 routing tables with:

$ netstat -6 -r -n

Connecting the rest of your network

OK, now we need to tell your Linux box to be a router for IPv6 traffic. There’s a line you need to add to /etc/sysctl.conf, and it may already be there but just be commented out. Uncomment it, or add it:


You can reboot to make sure this setting is loaded, or run

$ sudo sysctl -p

which just tells the system to re-read the file.

One side effect of turning on routing is that it will disable the magic autoconfiguration of IPv6 addresses for the ethernet interface on that machine. That makes sense, really: you want the router to have a fixed address, in the same way that you don’t want your DHCP server to have a DHCP-allocated address! So we need to pick a static IPv6 address for your ethernet interface. On my network, the Linux box has an IPv4 address of, so I picked an IPv6 address with the ‘8’ at the end of it too:


Note the 1f39 here – we’re now talking about the local network, so we want the prefix to come from the Routed IPv6 Prefixes section of the tunnel configuration. I added some extra lines to /etc/network/interfaces to allocate this additional address to eth0:

iface eth0 inet6 static
    address 2001:470:1f39:1825::8
    netmask 64

You’ll have a section for eth0 already – this can be added separately because it’s configuring it for ‘inet6’.

You need to restart the eth0 interface to pick this up. If you’re logged in at the console you can do :

    $ sudo ifdown eth0
    $ sudo ifup eth0

but if you’re logged in by ssh this won’t work because you’ll be logged out by the first command! So you need to do them both at once: I tend check the details carefully and then get a superuser shell and run them like this:

    $ sudo -s
    root#  ifdown eth0; ifup eth0
    [ short pause, then hit return to check you still have a prompt ]
    root#  exit

If it worked, you can use ifconfig eth0 to see the new address.

So now your Linux box has a fixed IPv6 address on your local network interface and another one on the tunnel interface, and should be able to route traffic between them. We just need to tell the other machines on the network which IPv6 addresses to use, and that they should send traffic for the outside world to this machine.

On the Linux box, you need to get and install radvd:

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install radvd

and configure it to advertise itself, and your network prefix, on your ethernet interface. Edit /etc/radvd.conf to say something like this:

interface eth0
    AdvSendAdvert on;
    prefix 2001:470:1f39:1825::/64
        AdvOnLink on;
        AdvAutonomous on;

Again, remember to use the right (routed) prefix for your local network. Then start up radvd, which on Debian would be

    $ /etc/init.d/radvd start

or restart it if it’s already running.

And now, a magical thing will start happening! The other machines on your network will start to get, in addition to their `fe80:: addresses discussed earlier, automatically-allocated addresses in your own IPv6 prefix. Log on to another machine and have a look at ipconfig, or in the Advanced > TCP/IP section of System Preferences, or wherever, and you should see addresses beginning 2001.

In fact, each interface may have two of these addresses in addition to the automatic fe80 one. That’s because one of them is, like the fe80 range, based on the MAC address of the hardware. It is predictable and will always refer to that machine, and you can deduce the MAC address of the machine from it and vice versa. Some people are worried about the security implications of this: my laptop could be recognised as being mine, whichever IPv6 network I’m using it on. So on most systems there will also be a temporary address which is used by default for outgoing traffic and which is less traceable.

You should now find that the other machines on your network will show IPv6 connectivity if you use them to go to, or browse to, or indeed visit And you’ll also find that they can be contacted from elsewhere; you can use an online ping test like this one to test it out. This is cool – you can setup a system to backup your webserver to your home much more easily now, for example. If you have a DNS domain, you can even go out and register a AAAA record for one of your home machines so you can contact it more easily from elsewhere, for example.

But the fact that your machines can be contacted from outside means we need to think about security.

Security Thoughts

If you decide to leave this system running, you need to be fairly confident about the security of your systems. Routers running NAT, for all their annoying limitations, did at least offer a convenient layer of security to your network, and you’ve now worked out a neat way to bypass that! I would certainly be cautious about doing this if you have machines on your network running elderly versions of Windows, or if you haven’t been keeping your machines in sync with the latest security updates.

I went around and turned on the firewalls on all of my machines – something I hadn’t bothered with beforehand, and I am now thinking more seriously about any file-sharing and other services I run on them. But I also have to balance any paranoia with the fact that almost all of my systems are Unix-based, and running very similar software to hundreds of thousands of publicly-accessible webservers out there, including mine.

The right way to deal with the security issues, of course, is to re-introduce filtering on the Linux machine that’s running your tunnel. You now have the option to let through any connections you like, to any machine on your network, but the default should probably be to block everything except perhaps ssh, and only open up extra options as and when required. This may feel like a return to the dark days of NAT, but in this case, when you do decide to allow, say, telephony traffic to your VoIP phone, you’re getting a proper end-to-end connection from one machine to another, and not depending on a cheap NAT router maintaing a table of temporary mappings.

Configuring Linux IP tables is not for the faint-hearted, though. I’ll have a look at whether there are any easy-to-manage systems out there that would be good for this kind of use. Any recommendations welcome!

Update: I’ve now added a tutorial on how to do this with Shorewall.

In the meantime, if you’re concerned and you’d like to disconnect when you’ve finished experimenting, just do an

    $ ifdown he-ipv6

on the Linux box, and comment out the ‘auto’ line in /etc/network/interfaces so it doesn’t start up again on reboot.


  1. On Windows XP you may need to install it first – it’s easy to find instructions on the web, but I won’t really focus on Windows here.  ↩

  2. On a Linux machine, for example, it will probably be %eth0 or %wlan0, on a Windows machine it will be something like %4, where the 4 indicates the number of the interface.  ↩

Olympic Censorship

Ha! The Olympics have a set of Terms of Use for their website, which say, amongst other things, that you can't link to their site if you're using anything other than text to do so, and that you can't say derogatory things about them. Well, I'm sorry, the web doesn't work that way and I don't accept your censorship. Let’s see…

The London 2012 Olympics is probably the single biggest waste of taxpayers' money in my lifetime. It is depriving children of books, hospitals of nurses, and elderly people of care. The Olympics have been a financial disaster for almost every city that has ever hosted them and I object to such large amounts of my money being spent this way. I have no objection to people running round fields or kicking balls if they want to, and people who want to watch them are entitled to pay to do so. But public money should not be used to pay for it on this scale for one ‘trophy’ event for a few politicians. If you insist on spending £11bn on sports, a new gym and swimming pool for every school in the country would be a much better investment. I have visited three former Olympic venues now, and at each I have marvelled at the big, empty stadia with a few tourists wandering around them. Why does nobody learn that this is a Bad Idea when there is such a track record?

Anyway, you can see their site and their ugly logo here. You can also get to it by clicking on this picture of money going down the plughole:

Thanks to for use of the image.


Cash in those patents – quick!

It's long been clear that (except in a small number of specific fields) the patent system is very broken, and now serves chiefly to stifle, rather than encourage, innovation.

If you still doubt this, read some of what Richard Posner has been saying. Or look at this CNET article from a few months back which points out that from 2002-2009 patent trolls and other 'non practicing entities' made more than three times as much from litigation as those who were actually using their patents. Or listen to this episode of TWIT about how all the phone manufacturers are suing each other in a huge flurry of paperwork.

I can speak from personal experience here – I put my latest startup ideas on hold, largely because I discovered a few patents which came a bit too close for comfort, even though none of their owners are making use of them in any of their products. (I should also, in the interests of full disclosure, mention that some of my income is currently coming from being an expert witness in a west-coast patent case, so I’m arguably part of the problem, but at least I'm on the side of the defendants!)

I'm sure many entrepreneurs dream of a world in which they could just opt out of the whole system and just rely on good old competition. Imagine if you could only prosecute someone for patent infringement if they also held patents. Ah, what a sweet thought! Remember War Games?

“A strange game, Professor Falken. The only winning move is not to play. How about a nice game of chess?”

Sadly, history offers few examples where unilateral disarmament has been a sensible choice. But we can at least dream.

Fortunately, enough noise is being made about this state of affairs now that it is growing more and more likely that something will be done about it. And a thought occurred to me this morning: I wonder if the lawyers and their clients have cottoned on to this? Could it be that big companies and patent trolls alike have realised the danger that their patents may soon be a radically devalued currency?

Perhaps the ever-increasing legal battles are partly due to an awareness that, having invested in all these armaments, they'd better start lobbing shells at each other pretty quickly before the rain takes the fizz out of their gunpowder…

The Face & Tripod revisited

I’ve written before about my favourite guide to public speaking: Brian Robinson’s curiously-named slim volume: “The Face & Tripod”.

So I’m delighted that it’s now available in a Kindle edition (UK, US, DE) which means I’ll have it not just on my bookshelf, but on my Kindle, laptop, iPad and phone, when I head for the next speaking engagement…

Recommended. It’s a fun read, too.

Back in contact

After my recent post about how much I liked Skype, and how much I disliked what they’d done to the Mac version recently, it seems only fair to point out that the worst aspect of the redesign – the amount of desktop space it takes up – has largely been fixed in the latest version.

There’s now a ‘Contacts monitor’ window, which you can tuck down the side of your screen as in the good old days, and get rid of the main window (at least until you’re actually in a conversation).

I still don’t think version 5’s layout is as good as 2.8’s, so I’m pleased that they still give you the option of using that version, but, with a bit of tweaking, it comes close. I’m also willing to believe that there may be improvements under the hood that are worth having. And it also looks as if they’re listening to their customers. So I’ve upgraded my machines.

Ye Olde Hokey Cokey

Remember the little rhyme that we call the Hokey Cokey, but our transatlantic cousins call the Hokey Pokey?

A chap named Jeff Brechlin created this wonderful Shakespearean rendering of it.

O proud left foot, that ventures quick within
Then soon upon a backward journey lithe.
Anon, once more the gesture, then begin:
Command sinistral pedestal to writhe.
Commence thou then the fervid Hokey-Poke,
A mad gyration, hips in wanton swirl.
To spin! A wilde release from Heavens yoke.
Blessed dervish! Surely canst go, girl.
The Hoke, the poke — banish now thy doubt
Verily, I say, ’tis what it’s all about.
        — by “William Shakespeare”

Wonderful stuff – thanks to Adrian Higgs for pointing it out.

The root of happiness

Over dinner last night it occurred to me that, amidst the great and the good, the Nobel laureates and knights of the realm, the giants of history and legendary figures of the past, there is one man (or woman) who has never been awarded the recognition they deserve; someone whose exploration and discovery has perhaps contributed more than anyone else to the sum of human happiness (in exchange for minimal expenditure of labour)…

    I am referring, of course, to the man who first baked a potato.

Actually, I’ve always thought that one of the fun things about having a time machine would be to go back and research some of life’s more unexpected discoveries. Who was it, for example, who first thought of trying nettle soup? Someone either very adventurous, or exceedingly desperate, I imagine…

Of which discovery would you most like to uncover the true history?

Banish Mavis and Connect to the Future

I wrote a couple of days ago about making this blog accessible over IPv6. Most of my readers probably shrugged a gallic shrug and muttered ‘À chacun son goût‘ before moving on to more exciting things like emptying the vacuum cleaner. But wait! This stuff is actually interesting and important, and it will affect you, so here’s my attempt to explain what it’s all about…

You probably know the basics. Machines on the internet have an address which looks like – those four numbers represent four bytes, and while four bytes provide rather a large number of addresses, it turns out that this internet thing is rather popular, and four bytes isn’t nearly enough. These addresses have been in short supply for some time, and so, while your broadband router will have one, the laptops, XBoxes, smartphones, etc on your local network can’t all get an address of their own. Your heating controller, your TV, your electricity meter will soon all want to be connected too. No way, Jose.

Instead, most networked devices use addresses that are only valid on your local network – a reserved group beginning 192.168… Think of 192.168 addresses as internal phone extensions, rather than proper phone numbers. Whenever your devices want to communicate with the outside world, they do so via a special bit of software on your router called ‘NAT’ – the ‘Network Address Translation’ system – that temporarily connects 192.168 internal addresses to real addresses in the outside world. It’s a bit like a telephone switchboard operator – let’s call her Mavis – who can connect internal phone extensions to a limited number of external lines.

In fact, we can push the switchboard analogy a bit further because, in general, the machines on your network can contact the outside world automatically by the equivalent of dialling ‘9’ to get an outside line. The outside world, however, can’t contact you without going through Mavis, and she’s very picky about who she’ll let through. There are no direct-dial numbers. This has some real benefits: it can keep pesky salesmen at bay. But it also makes it really hard for your spouse/lover/next-employer to get in touch with you for more delightful discussions. Mavis gets rather too involved in those… And remember, we’re not just talking about the office, here. Mavis is also in your sitting room at home.

The interesting thing is that we’ve been in this situation for so long that we accept it as normal. Most of us have had NAT for as long as we’ve had broadband connections, and it has fundamentally affected the way we think about the internet and what it can do for us. We’ll come back to that in a minute.

Despite all of the above, we might have gone on employing Mavis for quite a while, if it weren’t for a much bigger problem looming on the horizon: we’re running out of addresses even to give to the routers. Not much point in having an efficient switchboard operator if there are no outside lines! Your ISP has to manage the IP addresses it hands out carefully and make sure there aren’t too many unused ones lying around. If your internet connection uses DSL, for example, you may find that your router’s IP address – the phone number of your outside line – changes fairly regularly as a result, so there’s little chance of your spouse/lover/next-employer being able to talk to Mavis even if they wanted to!

This is the basic problem that IPv6 is designed to fix. In the future, internet addresses will be made up not of 4 bytes, but of 16, which gives a wonderfully huge number of addresses, and every connected device in the world can have one (or indeed, several, which often proves useful). IPv6 has some other useful features too, but this is the most important.

A quick aside – what do these new addresses look like?

IPv6 addresses are the equivalent of 39-digit phone numbers, so they’re less convenient if you actually have to type them in! To make them a bit more manageable, they are written as eight groups of 4 hexadecimal digits, which makes them look a bit strange and scary to anyone who’s just getting used to addresses like

In reality, most people will almost never have to type, or even see, one, but I know that Status-Q readers are a smart and intelligent bunch, so to satisfy your curiosity, here’s an IPv6 address:


By convention, when writing these, you can leave out any leading zeros in the groups, and also any single sequence of groups consisting entirely of zeros, so the above can be abbreviated to:


There you are. Now you can recognise IPv6 addresses when you see them, but you’d probably much rather deal with

which resolves to the same thing: the DNS can hand out IPv6 addresses in just the same way as the old IPv4 ones.

One last thing before we get back to the big-picture stuff: there are some address groups set aside for specific uses. Addresses beginning fe80::, for example, are the equivalent of 192.168 addresses – they are just designed to work on the local network. A device will have at least one of these automatically, as well as any global addresses it may have been allocated.

In fact, if you have a reasonably recent operating system, you’ve probably got one already on the machine you’re using now, though you may need to burrow a bit into your network configuration to find it. (On a Mac or Linux box, run ‘ifconfig‘ on the command line. On Windows, you need to enable IPv6 first and then use ‘ipconfig‘). So you can already use utilities like ‘ssh’ and ‘ping6’ to talk to other machines on your network using these addresses, even if not to the outside world.

I’ll do a more technical post about this soon for those who are interested. But for now…

Why is all this important?

Here are some things that we’ve just come to assume are a bit difficult:

  • Backing up your computer to a hard drive on your sister’s machine, and allowing her to do the same to yours.
  • Plugging in a networked webcam and accessing it from anywhere.
  • Printing something on your office printer when you’re at home, or on your home printer when you’re at Starbucks.
  • Logging in to your parents’ machine to help sort out a problem.
  • Accessing that presentation you left on your machine at home from the conference centre where you’re supposed to be giving a talk in the morning.
  • Making VoIP (internet-based telephone systems) work reliably.
  • Running your own web server on a computer at home.
  • Turning on your heating from the airport as you come home from holiday.

All of these things can of course be done at present, but they usually involve special expertise, or services like Dropbox, GoToMeeting, DynDNS or Skype, which have grown up largely to deal with the fact that, in general, you can’t just connect to other machines on the internet because they don’t have a globally-accessible address. Sometimes it’s a case of going and having a polite but firm word with Mavis to say that she really must allow certain calls through. In other cases, it’s much more complex. The electricity company could easily put a smart meter in your house, for example, so they don’t have to bother you so often, but they’d have to speak to every Mavis in the country. A daunting task, I think you’ll agree. And then there are other systems like uPnP that are used by games consoles, for example, to sneak behind Mavis’s back and do a little wiring of their own just to make it easy to play games with your friends. All rather messy.

In the early days, you could assume that two machines which were connected to the internet and switched on could just talk to each other. All sorts of things were much easier back then. Now, there may, of course, be many reasons why you don’t want people to be able to connect to all of your devices, even if they have passwords and firewalls, but the important point is that this should be something that you can decide: it should be a question of policy, not one of capability. At the moment, you generally can’t get an internet connection at all without employing Mavis, and that just makes everything so much more difficult. But when everything is connected by IPv6, a lot of things at least become possible, maybe even easy. (And a lot of businesses may have to think about their business models.)

This is why you want to encourage your ISP to support IPv6 as soon as they can. They’ve known about it for a long time, and it’s been rigorously tested. In a future post, I’ll write about how you can bypass both Mavis and your ISP if you want to start using this now. But at least, I hope, you understand why it is more important than simply a change of phone number.

Disk Risk

Mmm. I seem to have had a lot of hard drive failures recently – Seagate drives, mostly, though, to be fair, the majority of my drives are Seagate just because my favourite supplier happens to like them, so I would expect see more failures there. The last one, though, is just 18 months old and has started making ominous clicking noises. They don’t make ’em like they used to. Stuff I’ve read online tends to suggest that it’s hard to assign blame to particular drive manufacturers, but particular models do tend to have rather different failure rates.

I do, I realise, have rather a lot of hard disks. I have three 4-bay Drobo enclosures, for a start, so that’s 12 drives even before I start adding on the miscellaneous backup disks, TV-recording disks, etc. Not to mention the internal ones in all our various machines. There must be 20-25 hard disks around here, and even though manufacturers’ specs talk about a <1% annual failure rate, studies tend to suggest that real-world figures are rather higher. One of the biggest studies, done by Google a few years ago, showed failure rates of 1.7% in the first year, rising to over 8% in the third year.

Yes, many of my drives are about that age, so if I really have 25 of them, I guess I should expect one to die every six months or so. Bother.

This suggests to me that money spent on things like my Drobo enclosures is worthwhile, because, though they are pricey, especially once you’ve filled them up with drives, any single drive failure is unlikely to be catastrophic – as disks die, you just replace them with whatever size is currently in vogue. My main Drobo currently has two 2TB drives, one 1.5TB, and a 1TB. There are those, I know, who have had less positive experiences with some Drobo kit – I found a DroboShare networking add-on to be decidedly wobbly at a past company – but in the simple use case of a Drobo plugged into a computer, I’ve been very happy and have replaced several drives without ever losing data.

The other thing that the Google study found was a strong correlation between when disks start reporting errors (which they can do using the S.M.A.R.T technology built into modern drives) and a failure soon afterwards. It’s worth, therefore, having something that checks the S.M.A.R.T status and lets you know about issues as soon as they are reported, even if the drive is still apparently working OK. On the Mac, Disk Utility can tell you about issues, but only when you go and look, so I use SMARTreporter to give more regular checks.

OK, things are getting better. There is another issue, though.

On the Mac, at least, most external drives are connected by USB or Firewire, and in general S.M.A.R.T information is not read through those interfaces – if you look in Disk Utility, you’ll see it’s ‘Unavailable’. More sophisticated enclosures like the Drobo will check the S.M.A.R.T status themselves and warn you when things look dubious, but your average USB-connected backup drive may give you no such warnings.

So I was interested to discover this kernel driver project which enhances the standard OSX USB and FireWire drivers to make S.M.A.R.T available for a lot more interfaces. (Download v0.5 here). I’ll try it on my Media Mac Mini, which has three external drives, and see how it goes…

© Copyright Quentin Stafford-Fraser